What has happened? ¿Recuerdas lo que era tener un recién nacido? ¿Disfrutando de sus logros mensuales y viéndolos crecer? Ha pasado oficialmente un año desde que All Five abrió sus puertas de nuevo tras el cierre debido a COVID. Al igual que un recién nacido, mes a mes, en All Five tuvimos que redominar, emerger...
Category: News & Articles
June All Five Newsletter
What has happened? Do you remember what it was like having a newborn; Enjoying their monthly milestones, and watching them grow? It has now officially been one year since All 5 opened its doors back up after closing due to COVID. Just like a newborn, month by month, we at All Five had to remaster,...
West Pod May Newsletter
Children continue to express great interest in bugs and insects. Responding to this, we have been reading many books about them. At circle time, we’ve featured mostly Eric Carle’s stories, like The Hungry Caterpillar, The Lonely Firefly, The Grouchy, The Very Clumsy Click Beetle and at times, when many children have requested them, we’ve read...
East Pod April Newsletter
What was happening? “To plant in a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”- Audrey Hepburn The month of April bloomed with interest in our garden! Gardening questions arose during our circle times; “What is gardening, How do we plant, What do we need to plant, What can we plant, What is in the dirt, Why...
West Pod April Newsletter
What was happening? We saw even more interest in creative expression this month when a new trolly for loose parts art materials was added to our playground by Teacher Gloria. Children have been tapping into their creativity with the range of materials at their fingertips, making interesting two and three dimensional works of art. This...
East Pod March Newsletter
What was happening? Animals, earth, and the weather were significant during March for East Pod! Most of the month was full of animal interest. The interest initiated from our manipulative table, children, enjoyed wooden blocks and toy animals at the table. Later in the week, the table evolved into a beautiful animal habitat that...
West Pod-March Newsletter
What was happening? It was a very exciting month! We welcomed new friends, Harley and Laurel, and then a week later, Evans. Our new students have transitioned well to our All Five community. We celebrated Erick’s 5th Birthday! After singing The Earth Goes Around the Sun, he chose that we cheer for him with 5...
West Pod- Boletín de Febrero
Que estaba pasando en All Five? El agua ha sido de gran interés para nuestros estudiantes de West Pod. Comenzó con las lluvias del mes anterior y los charcos en los que los niños se divirtieron después. Además de ser un tema fascinante para explorar, el agua es también uno de los 5 materiales básicos...
West Pod-February Newsletter
What was happening? Water has been of great interest to our West Pod students. It started with the rains of the previous month and the puddles that children delighted in afterwards. In addition to being a fascinating topic to explore, water is also one of the 5 basic materials that our curriculum is centered on. ...
East Pod-January Newsletter
January was filled with many surprises from our weather, to small little critters around us, and having a special visit! With so much activity there were many questions to be asked. What was happening? What happens when you have a shovel and some dirt? You dig! That is what children were precisely doing on the...
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