What was happening?
We saw even more interest in creative expression this month when a new trolly for loose parts art materials was added to our playground by Teacher Gloria.
Children have been tapping into their creativity with the range of materials at their fingertips, making interesting two and three dimensional works of art. This trolly was just one of many new additions to our classroom that teachers have purchased recently with grants. Along with interest in art, we observed and supported children exploring their letters and writing.
EPAK, East Palo Alto Kids Foundation offers grants to teachers twice a year. All Five teachers think of activities, equipment and materials that would support our curriculum, then apply to the Foundation for funds to buy them for the school. Other examples of recent purchases teachers made with their grants are the new rack, funnels and tubes for the water table and digging machine for the sand area which are pictured here, as well as wood working tools and a new easel on wheels. It’s gratifying to observe how these materials and equipment enhance our students’ learning.

Teachers observe children developing skills that help them follow their interests and learn. They are able to choose activities, with friends and independently, sometimes opting to work alone.
They are learning to take turns, like Adriana and Gabrielle helping each other on a spinning seat at the park in the photo. Children collaborate daily in their play and work.
Amari and Laurel troubleshoot together when a ball jumps off the track. They talk about how to fix the track so that the ball will stay on and decide to add a block underneath.

Highlights from the month were:
Observing children respecting the environment by making signs to protect a bird’s nest in the sand area and celebrating Lucas and Joshua’s 5th birthday! Some books children have enjoyed were: Have you filled a Bucket Today?, The Earth Book, 6 Crows, Skin Like Mine and One Day In the Eucalyptus Tree.
What’s next?
With the warm spring weather, children have been interested in bugs and insects. We will continue to follow this interest.