All Five’s Mission

Empower all families to choose a high quality early childhood education for their children.

We Think Differently

We believe that every child, regardless of family background, is a whole and unique person, with vast inner resources for understanding the self and the desire to contribute to the world.  We are committed to active learning of kindness and leadership as well as critical thinking.

We Think Differently
First Few Years

The First Few Years Are Critical

Research shows that 80% of brain development happens by age of three. Vocabulary attainment at age three is indicative of performance at ages nine and ten on various vocabulary, language development and reading comprehension measures. Thus, the foundation built by age three has great bearing on an individual’s progress for many years to come.

Between the ages of three and five years old, children are wired to make huge gains in language, mathematics, and critical thinking.  Through interactions with others, they learn to become flexible to different rules for different contexts, and to resist impulsive behaviors.

Let’s start with a Level Playing Field

Our Five Strategies

Valuing Teachers

Reflective Teaching

Resource Richness - 360X280

Resource Richness

Best Practices Curriculum Development

Best Practices Curriculum

Sharing Resources

Respecting Environment

Respecting The Environment

Our Impact

Families Served

0% State or Reduced-fee Family Funded
0% Full-pay Family Funded

Philanthropic Funding

0% of annual budget Closing the Operating Cost to Revenue Gap

Help Us Serve More Children

The habits we form from childhood make no small difference. They make all the difference.

— Aristotle
