
June All Five Spanish Newsletter

What has happened?  ¿Recuerdas lo que era tener un recién nacido? ¿Disfrutando de sus logros mensuales y viéndolos crecer? Ha pasado oficialmente...

June All Five Newsletter

What has happened?  Do you remember what it was like having a newborn; Enjoying their monthly milestones, and watching them grow?   It...

West Pod May Newsletter

Children continue to express great interest in bugs and insects. Responding to this, we have been reading many books about them. At...

East Pod April Newsletter

What was happening? “To plant in a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”- Audrey Hepburn  The month of April bloomed with interest...

West Pod April Newsletter

What was happening?  We saw even more interest in creative expression this month when a new trolly for loose parts art materials...

East Pod March Newsletter

What was happening?  Animals, earth, and the weather were significant during March for East Pod!   Most of the month was full...
