Classroom circle time is such an important time!
Author: admin (Karen Pace)
Week of 15 October 2019
Children expressed their creativing while exploring loose parts set up at the art table outside.
Week of 30 September 2019
Children showed continued interest in bugs and insects this past week. Their learning was enhanced by activities offered daily.
Making Pumpkin Soup on 9 October 2019
Children love to cook! We love that it gives them the opportunity to gain responsibility, practice self-regulation skills, like turn taking, cognitive skills ...
Week of 23 September 2019
Interest in Bugs and Insects The children really have been enjoying all the bugs and creatures they have been finding in and around our playground ...
Week of 16 September 2019
At All Five we believe that children learn best through play, during long uninterrupted periods of it. Our schedule supports this., so children learn to…
Week of 9 September 2019
We observe children are learning to be independent. Whether learning to separate from their caregiver, to putting shoes on by themselves, remembering to use the…
Dan (4 yrs)
Praesent eu rhoncus nibh. Quisque tincidunt, nisi in enenatis comm neque quam pharetra dolor...