Category: Blog

November Blog Post

November Blog Post

I have been thinking and reading this week about change.  As we wait for a possible change in leadership for our nation’s highest office, All Five’s 3 and 4-year-olds and their teachers are undergoing a change of their own:  On Monday morning, after weeks and months of planning and preparing, we welcomed 8 more children...

Working With Tools

Working With Tools

All Five Week of September 28, 2020 Children continued showing interest in tools this week. As they used real tools like screwdrivers with screws, hammers and nails, they practiced their fine motor skills and eye hand coordination. The activities were popular so they sometimes had to ask for a turn and wait, practicing self regulation...

Blog - All Children

All Children

I believe all children, regardless of the circumstances they are born into, have lively minds. As Lilian Katz states, “the intellectual challenges many children face in coping with precarious environments are likely to be substantial and often complex.” All Five was opened on that premise five years ago, on September 1, 2015.
